Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
This article (In Spanish) was published on the 18th October 2011 in the Expansion newspaper, a summary of the talk given by Javier Cantera at the SIMO Network event at which Zyncro was also present.
Here at ZyncroBlog we would like to share with you all that we support these affirmations 100%. We believe in the employee 3.0 and we are convinced that Zyncro provides the perfect environment for their professional development.
Only companies that truly value results over and above presentism will be able to adapt to this new professional profile, the key to increasing competitivity.
Conversations make the world go round. Can you imagine a profitable business without the exchange of ideas? Technology is already a channel of excellence when it comes to talent and it is the ecosystem that surrounds the employee 3.0, a new species capable of taking advantage of all new technologies for which defined working hours are not applicable. The freedom they demand, guarantees their productivity. Far from being a threat to a company’s future, managing this professional profile is a valuable tool.
Reviewing just a few of the numbers is enough to justify the developments: the 300 million Twitter users – almost the entire USA population – and more than 700 million profiles on Facebook. Can you really afford to remain uninvolved in this current reality? Javier Cantera, CEO at Grupo BLC, believes that it is necessary to manage this information flow in order for a business to be profitable and that the employee 3.0 is the best profile to carry out the task. These are a few of the tips pointed out during his talk, Employee 3.0, talent and technology organised by the Escuela de Organización Industrial (School of Industrial Organisation) at Open Green, his space at the last SIMO Network event held in Madrid.
Talent, culture, quality and generational diversity is the key to our future success.
Being aligned
If talent cannot exist without technology, then there is no technology without talent. This little tongue twister can be translated into an equally complex truth: “Talent feeds technology and technology adds talent”. For this reason, Canter votes for multiplying concepts rather than dividing tasks. An activity in which three types of professional cohabit side by side: pioneers, emigrants and colonists. Each one of them represents the determination, the development and the patience implied by the use of technology. Which of these do you feel most aligned with? Within a business and aside from those deemed ‘native digitalists’, emigrants can also be found with the capability of making the most of the synergies that exist from both traditional and new working methods. The colonists who have settled into the scenario they find themselves in “copy these values” explains Cantera.
In order to get the best out of 3.0 employees who tend to look inside and outside the organisation in order to maximise the potential of technology, a certain amount of re-organisation is needed. There needs to be a move away from hierarchy and a move towards webarchy in other words, the move from a power relationship to a participative relationship. “Professionals are no longer resources. Now they are prosumers: information producers and consumers. Power has been passed on to the people and relationships are multi-directional”, assures Cantera, who proposes businesses adopt an organisational model change based on trust. In his opinion, “it is necessary to change the productivity concept and orientate it towards results. In order to do this, the working method must be changed so that professionals commit to the idea and to the project. The way in which to do this is by trusting the employee and being flexible. There is no need for the professional to be present as a connection is possible through other means because technology has made diachronic work possible rather than synchronic”.
Companies should trust those employees working outside the office who obtain results.
And it is in this way that this new professional works
This new way of working is aligned with the attributes that define the 3.0 employee. There is no set workplace nor are there set working hours and work is carried out multi-channel. This means that e-mail is just one of the tools used for working, in unison with the blog, Twitter and the rest of the social networks. According to the CEO of Grupo BLC, “a business should attract professionals by presenting a project that encourages self-efficacy and challenges them to make an impact. We move away from the anonymous employee to a person with a name and surname: the professional creates their own personal branding, their own customisation. In order to take advantage of all of this potential and retain it, organisations should create an ecosystem of freedom”.
The fact that work is based on relationships and participation revolutionizes traditional methods. The relationship based on power has made way for the relationship based on participation; the importance of talent has evolved towards trust; people are prosumers, not resources and lastly, if power previously resided in prizes and punishment, it now resides in recognition and self esteem.
In order to manage these teams, Cantera suggests taking action upon various aspects. The first is diversity: “It is the vaccine against change, the key to our future success. Different people’s different opinions result in an irreplaceable business richness”. The work-life balance is also mentioned, “personal, family and professional life”; trust, “businesses should trust the work carried out by professionals working outside the office, you do not know what they are doing, you just get results. Trust begins by giving and receiving it”; and lastly, commitment, “companies need to get emotionally attached”.
Are you truly ready for an employee 3.0?
You will be with Zyncro
The post The arrival of the employee 3.0 is near. Are we ready for them? appeared first on Zyncro Blog: the blog of the Enterprise 2.0.